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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Herald poll: 57% say Scotland should have Independence Referendum after Brexit

A Herald Scotland poll has revealed that 56.55% of panellists think Scotland should have a vote on whether to remain within the UK if it leaves the EU on March 29.

Of the 337 panellists, 72.32% believed that Brexit should not be renegotiated but abandoned altogether.

The support for a second independence referendum comes after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon suggested details of the timetable for a second Scottish independence referendum would be revealed within weeks.

Ms Sturgeon said:

“I want to see the UK stay in the EU, I think that would be best for the whole of the UK... even when Scotland is independent that serves our interests best as well.

“The chaos and the fiasco of the last couple of years have shown that the worst thing for Scotland is to be thirled to Westminster when it’s making such a mess of things. We’d be far better off in charge of our own affairs.

“I’ll say more about the timing of a referendum in the next matter of weeks.”

Kenneth Gibson MSP commented:

“Scotland doesn’t have to resign itself to a future outside the EU.

“As with many fundamental decisions, at present the electorate outwith Scotland decide our future for us. This is not an opinion, it is the mathematical reality of being part of the UK.

“For that reason, we are now in a position where Scotland stands to lose out on EU funding for research and infrastructure, EU workers we need for the NHS, the tourism sector and so on.

“In addition, the UK Tory Government, happily accommodated by Labour and the Lib Dems, has already hijacked another 111 devolved powers currently exercised at EU level which should come to Holyrood after Brexit. This tells you how they mean to go on.

“The grim prospect of a declining UK outside the EU is not the only reason for Scotland to regain its independence, but it is an urgent one. It is heartening to see that more and more people now recognise this.”


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