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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

First Minister announces Further £2 Million for Businesses to Prepare for Brexit

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP has announced £2 million is now available to help even more businesses in Scotland prepare for Brexit through the Brexit Support Grant.

Administered by Scottish Enterprise, will now be available to help Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) to manage a wide range of Brexit impacts with funding of up to £4,000 each. The grant, previously only open to exporters, is now available to SMEs in Scotland for a wider variety of Brexit preparation.

The grant can be accessed by independent businesses employing up to 250 staff with an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euros, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euro.

It can be used for activities including consultancy support, professional fees, external training, and international market research.

The First Minister said:

“Analysis shows that all Brexit outcomes will damage our economy, so it is essential that businesses prepare for a range of scenarios. This funding goes hand in hand with practical support and advice and I encourage business to take advantage of this assistance.

“We will continue to work with our partners in the coming weeks and months to do what we can to minimise the impact Brexit will have on our economy and communities.”

Sandy McEwan, Managing Director at William Johnston & Company, and one of the first businesses to apply for the grant, added:

“We have been hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. As a manufacturer we have found the Prepare for Brexit website a helpful tool for highlighting some of the issues Brexit may bring our business. Today, we are in the eye of the storm but, hopefully, this grant will help us to be in the best position possible to deal with the potential changes in the business environment.”

Steve Dunlop, CEO, Scottish Enterprise, said:

“It is critical that Scottish businesses continue to assess the challenges presented by Brexit and take necessary action to safeguard their growth.

“Preparing your business is about developing a flexible planning approach so you can adapt and be resilient across a range of potential Brexit outcomes.

“We are stepping up support with additional financial and people resource to make sure businesses have access to support that will help them meet challenges head on.”

Kenneth Gibson MSP commented:

“I welcome this resource. Frankly, the UK Government should be funding Brexit preparation, given that this all began as an internal Tory Civil War. However, we are where we are and I know businesses will appreciate help from the SNP Government or, indeed, any other source.”

Businesses can identify if they are eligible for the grant and find more information on how to prepare for Brexit on the Prepare for Brexit website.


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