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Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Scotland 'Top of the Class' for Teacher Numbers

New analysis released by the SNP Government shows that Scotland has a significantly higher pupil teacher ratio than England or Wales.

Scotland boasts an impressive 7,495 teachers per 100,000 pupils, while England and Wales lag behind with just 5,586 and 5,119 teachers respectively.

Last year the number of teachers working in Scottish schools rose by over 500 and the total number has risen every year since 2014. Meanwhile, primary teacher numbers are at their highest level since 1980.

The SNP Government has committed £120 million of funding delivered directly to headteachers this year to spend at their discretion, allowing for additional staffing or equipment to boost attainment levels.

Kenneth Gibson MSP commented:

“Thanks to SNP Government investment we don’t just have new schools, we also have hundreds more teachers in Scottish classrooms, benefitting pupils the length and breadth of Scotland.

“Investment in education has increased year on year to ensure every child in Scotland has the chance to reach their full potential.

“The Accounts Commission in its report entitled 'Local government in Scotland: Challenges and performance 2019' - which my colleagues and I on the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee took evidence on last Wednesday - showed that Scottish Schools are performing strongly across reading, writing and numeracy, with a 16% improvement between 2011/12 and 2017/18.

“However we must keep improving Scottish education and cut the attainment gap.”


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