Scotland’s medical workforce will be bolstered by 105 more places for new graduates on the Foundation Training programme by 2022.
Medical students graduate from medical school after five years and move in to a two-year Foundation Training programme.
The first 51 training posts will be available under this scheme in 2021 for students to continue their training to become qualified doctors.
Health Secretary Jeane Freeman MSP said:
“With a programme that is 99% full, our Foundation training is a testament to the popularity of Scotland as a training destination and the high quality education we offer.
“We need confident, skilled and committed doctors to meet the needs of patients, particularly as we face an ageing population with multiple conditions.
“With the offer of an exceptional quality of life for young doctors in Scotland, I am committed to providing attractive training and career prospects to ensure as many medical graduates from Scottish medical schools stay in Scotland to train, progress and realise their career ambitions.”
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Chief Executive Jane Grant added:
”Our junior doctors are a valuable part of our clinical team and we are delighted to be part of this new initiative to increase the medical workforce, through the delivery of excellence.”
Kenneth Gibson MSP commented:
“In line with our Holyrood Manifesto, the SNP Government has increased medical undergraduate places each year since 2016. This increase of 105 places is another step in this process.
“These additional Foundation posts will create a greater range of placements for trainee doctors particularly in general practice, psychiatry and in remote or rural parts of Scotland and I am hopeful we will benefit from them across North Ayrshire.”
There are around 7,500 Foundation trainees in the UK, with around 1,700 of these in Scotland. Even though Scotland has only 8.2% of the UK’s population, we provide 23% of the training places. Around 850 finish Foundation year 2 and are then eligible to apply to specialty training.
After Foundation year 1, trainees can register with the General Medical Council and are therefore employable as doctors in the UK.