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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

£7.2 Million Funding for Coastal Businesses affected by COVID-19

The SNP Government, in agreement with the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), has widened the scope of a £7.2 million Scottish Crown Estate fund to support coastal businesses and third sector organisations affected by COVID-19.

North Ayrshire Council and other local authorities across Scotland with coastlines, can use these resources to aid projects delivering coastal community benefit.

Environment and Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham MSP said:

“Given the unprecedented pressures which businesses are currently facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are doing everything we can to support them.

“Following discussions with COSLA we have written to local authorities to encourage them to look at how best to use these funds, where required, to help hard-pressed businesses and organisations get through this challenging period.”

Kenneth Gibson MSP commented:

“Councils play a key role in supporting local businesses in coastal communities. With the loss of tourism revenue and restricted ferry travel, it makes sense to expand the scope of the fund.

“I also welcome the SNP Government's commitment to ensuring that the next tranche of funding is distributed as swiftly as possible to North Ayrshire Council.

“Being the Year of Coasts and Waters, and with work on the Coig progressing, 2020 was meant to be a particularly fruitful year for our coastal communities. Now that the coronavirus has changed everything, it is reassuring to see the SNP Government display its ongoing determination to help our coastal communities through this and beyond.”


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