Scotland's Census usually takes place every 10 years and is the official count of every person and household in the country.
The census collects information about where you stay and the people who stay there and the answers you give to the census questions will help shape Scotland's future public services.
Census day is 20 March 2022. This does not mean that everybody needs to complete their census on that date.
You can complete your questionnaire as soon as you receive your census letter, as long as you answer questions with information that is correct as of census day.
This is important as it provides a snapshot of Scotland on that day.
Please not that as a householder, you have a legal responsibility to complete the questionnaire.
You should receive your letter with an Internet Access Code imminently, if it hasn’t arrived already. Please visit and use this code to complete your census.
If you are unable to do this online, please call the free helpline 0800 030 8308 to request a paper census questionnaire, or get it online via .
Kenneth Gibson MSP said:
"The census is a hugely important tool to get an accurate view of who are living in Scotland, and what their situation is.
“The answers you give to the census questions will help shape Scotland's future public services for you and for everyone else, so please make sure you take time to do it as soon as you can.”