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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Consultation Launched on Review of Disclosure Law

Disclosure Scotland has published a consultation to review Scotland’s disclosure law, including the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme, which covers those working with children and the vulnerable.

The proposed regime would require all sports coaches working with children and other vulnerable groups to undergo mandatory disclosure checks.

Proposals include:

  • Simplifying the disclosure system

  • Making membership of the PVG scheme mandatory for those in sensitive roles

  • Making PVG membership time‑limited

  • Making the disclosure system respond better to young people’s circumstances

  • Using digital technology to better and more efficiently meet customer needs

The consultation will run until 18 July and can be accessed here.

Minister for Childcare and Early Years Maree Todd MSP said:

“Establishing the PVG scheme in 2011, the Scottish Parliament created a forward-thinking disclosure regime to balance safeguarding individual rights with respect for their private life.

“These new proposals will allow Disclosure Scotland to improve its services, simplifying and modernising our disclosure system so that it’s fit for a digital future, whilst continuing to ensure people receive the best possible protection."

Kenneth Gibson MSP added:

“We have a duty to make Scotland a fair and safe society, supporting people into work, protecting children and those in receipt of medical or care services.

“Although the PGV scheme is working, there is always room to improve how it operates. That way we can ensure the scheme provides optimum protection to children and other vulnerable groups.”

“I encourage all organisations and individuals across North Ayrshire who are involved with disclosure to give us their feedback before 18 July.”


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