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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Count Them In!

This campaign urges the UK and SNP governments to include questions about the Armed Forces community in the 2021 Census. It aims to record critical information about the size, location and profile of this group in order to gain insight that will help Poppyscotland, along with other voluntary and statutory organisations develop future services.

The Armed Forces community in Scotland – made up of serving (regular and reservists) and ex-Service people and their dependants – is estimated to be around 530,000. However, despite this representing around 10% of the Scottish population, little is known about this group and the welfare needs they may face.

Scotland’s Census, which is undertaken every 10 years by National Records of Scotland, captures a wide variety of information from the population. The most recent Census conducted in 2011 showed there were exactly 2,888 school crossing patrol employees, yet the exact number of veterans living in Scotland is unknown.

Poppyscotland believes there is a lack of accurate and relevant information about the Armed Forces community and wants to see this change.

Kenneth Gibson MSP said:

“Both Poppyscotland and the SNP Government aim to provide life-changing support to those in the Armed Forces community in return for their service and sacrifices. However, not enough is known about those who have served, those still serving and their families. By asking questions in the next Census we can shape and develop services to best meet the needs of those who need support. That is why I support the campaign to count them in.”



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Kenneth Gibson SNP

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