Kenneth Gibson has welcomed a new YouGov poll showing strong support for Scotland’s place in Europe from our fellow Europeans and made clear that Scotland must not be taken out of the EU against our will.
The YouGov Euro Track poll interviewed 8,404 people in six EU countries and Norway, including 2,045 in Germany and 1,008 in France – and found support for an independent Scotland’s place in the EU from people in each country surveyed, including the UK.
Responding to the question “Would you endorse or reject Scotland joining the EU if it became separate from Great Britain?” 71% of people in Germany, 61% of people in France and 67% of people in Denmark were in favour.
There is also majority support for an independent Scotland in Europe in Finland and Sweden. In the UK 41% of people support Scotland, with 29% against.
Commenting, Kenneth Gibson said:
“These are very encouraging figures. Our fellow Europeans value Scotland’s role in Europe and from France and Germany to Finland and Sweden, it’s clear that there is strong support for Scotland’s continuing EU membership.
“The First Minister has made it clear that Scotland wants to play a positive, constructive, outward-looking role in Europe and it’s clear that this message is being heard by citizens across the EU.
“The First Minister has also emphasised that no option is off the table and the SNP Government will do all it can to ensure Scotland maintains its place in the European family of nations.
“Scotland voted to remain in Europe and this evidence shows our voice is being heard and our vote must be respected.”
The poll is reported here.
Further poll details can be found here.