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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Garnock Valley Community Groups urged to apply for 'Valley Voices' Funding Now

The joint Beith and District, Dalry and Kilbirnie and Glengarnock Community Councils have worked together to secure £17,500 for each Community Council area in the Garnock Valley, a total of £52,500.

Community groups from within these areas can now apply for up to £1,500 funding per group, until the closing date of Friday 20 August 2021 at 17:00.

Applications to the Valley Voices Fund should be based on the Locality Priorities, which are detailed in the attachment.

The three Community Councils are especially keen for groups needing funding to ‘restart’ after COVID-19.

Kenneth Gibson MSP too would like to encourage applications.

The funding is being provided by the SNP Government and North Ayrshire Council.

For more information, email or phone 07759 370454.



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