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Holyrood Backs Scottish Social Security System Built on Dignity and Respect

In a major milestone for devolution, the Scottish Parliament has backed the establishment of a Scottish Social Security System with dignity and respect at its heart.

Holyrood has today passed the Social Security (Scotland) Bill at Stage 3, giving the Scottish Government the powers to deliver eleven benefits devolved as part of the Scotland Act 2016.

The design of the Scottish Social Security System was informed by widespread public consultation with people who have direct experience of the benefits system.

Commenting, Kenneth Gibson MSP said:

“The establishment of this new public service for Scotland is an historic moment. This is the first time we will have a Scottish Social Security System and we will not miss the opportunity to do things better for the people of Scotland .

“When Scotland has the power, we take a different and fairer approach than the Tories at Westminster.

“We are ensuring a rights based approach that puts the interests of people first, ensuring that the Social Security Scotland has dignity and respect at its heart.”



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