On Wednesday night, Kenneth met with leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts from across Scotland and the global data science sector, as part of the inaugural Scottish AI Summit at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh.
In April 2018 Kenneth led the only debate on AI in the Scottish Parliament to be held to date, and he was keen to see how the technology is continuing to advance into more and more practical applications.
The sold-out summit marked the first anniversary of Scotland’s AI Strategy, a strategy overseen by the Data Lab and the SNP Government which sets out a vision for Scotland to become a leader in the development and use of trustworthy, ethical and inclusive AI.
Following the main summit, Kenneth met with exhibitors and the experts leading the implementation of the AI Strategy, including Brian Hills, interim CEO of The Data Lab, to explore how data and AI can help make Scotland a global leader in data innovation.
The Data Lab is Scotland’s innovation centre for data and AI. Through hubs in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness, they foster innovation through collaboration, build skills and grow talent, and champion Scotland’s data science community.
Kenneth said:
“Scotland is already a global leader in the development of artificial intelligence and it was great to hear from both the eminent artificial intelligence experts and some of their young PhD students.
“I enjoyed learning more about the range of ways Artificial Intelligence can transform services across Scotland and what needs to be done to ensure it is trustworthy, ethical and inclusive.”
Kenneth is pictured with a robotic dog which is part of the 'Spot' range created by Boston Dynamic. It could help save lives and cut carbon dioxide emissions by supporting hazardous environment research at the National Robotarium, based at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.
It is called M.A.R.T.I.N (Mechanical, Artificial, Remote, Technological, Intelligent, Ninja) and has also been fitted with specially created hardware to carry out research into how robots can support humans in offshore energy inspection, construction and disaster recovery.
The full agenda and details of speakers, chairs, panellists and facilitators for the Scottish AI Summit keynotes, discussion panels and workshops are available at: