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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP


This I participated a meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, Màiri McAllan MSP and Ian Douglas, the CEO of XLCC which is set to bring a subsea cable manufacturing operation to Hunterston.

Local MP Patricia Gibson, Business Operations Director Alan Mathers and Development Director Paul Dickson also participated, with officials from Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Government attending.

Before touring the 70-acre site and its environs, Mr Douglas provided an update on how the brownfield site will create a new industry to support global decarbonisation targets by connecting renewable power generation in the Sahara to the UK for the Xlinks Morocco-UK power project.

He emphasised that the project is an opportunity for Scotland to play a major role in the next industrial revolution in which updating global transmission networks will be crucial.

Construction is expected to start on site in March 2025 with cable production set to begin in February 2029.

The Cabinet Secretary expressed the Scottish Government’s support for this project which will significantly contribute to Scotland becoming a key hub for the subsea cable and wider Net Zero industry.

From a local perspective I welcome the creation of 1,200 to 1,400 construction jobs with 900 people employed once the factory is up and running. Hundreds more will be in the supply chain. Already, XLCC is about to hire their second cohort of apprentice jointers.

The first cohort of apprentices are already on board and have completed an eight-week program in Germany before returning to North Ayrshire for their three-year certification program. XLCC will have 250 – 300 apprenticeships within all disciplines.

XLCC is also in the process of establishing a dedicated apprenticeship training facility in Irvine with £200,000 of Scottish Government support though a Scottish Enterprise (SE) grant. Ultimately, training will be on site.

This support follows SE’s £9 million grant to enable XLCC develop the £1,400 million Hunterston cable manufacturing facility.


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