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Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Offshore Works Complete in £48 Million Millport Flood Prevention Scheme

North Ayrshire Council has this week announced that works at a £48 million Flood Protection Scheme on the Isle of Cumbrae are developing well and offshore works are now completed.

The SNP Government provided 80% (£39.6 million) of funding towards the overall costs of the scheme, with North Ayrshire Council meeting the rest.

Scottish Ministers are investing £91 million this year on flood prevention – which compares to only £12 million in the last year of the previous Labour/Lib Dem Administration.

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of flooding across Scotland and the Millport Flood Protection Scheme – which work started on last spring – will help improve the safety and security of the island’s residents against increased coastal flooding threats.

The offshore elements were completed in February, within the predicted planning scope, and mark a major milestone in enhancing the overall resilience of the island, with significant progress also being made with the onshore works.

The completed offshore works include:

• The installation of an offshore rock armour breakwater, which has created a calm area of water. This part of the works is essential to allow a proposed marina - which is an Ayrshire Growth Deal project - to be constructed in the future

• Foreshore rockworks at Clyde Street and at Crichton Street/Clyde Street and

• The creation of concrete revetments - slopes that absorb wave energy to help reduce coastal erosion - at Kelburn Street, Millburn Street and Clyde Street on Cumbrae.

Further flood prevention investment in Millport will be undertaken to protect a further 124 island homes.


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