Commenting on reports that the Prime Minister is to shelve the planned Commons vote on her Brexit deal, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon MSP said: “Assuming these reports are accurate, this is a watershed moment and an act of pathetic cowardice by a UK Tory Government which has run out of road and is now collapsing into utter chaos. It is final proof that the interests of a deeply-divided Tory Party matter far more to the Prime Minister than people’s jobs and living standards. That is an unforgiveable dereliction of responsibility. “It appears the vote is being delayed because of the ongoing Tory civil war and in a desperate attempt to save the Prime Minister’s job.
“Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain but yet again our views are being ignored, as they have been throughout this disastrous and incompetent Brexit process. “The Prime Minister’s deal should come before the House of Commons immediately so that it can be voted down and we can protect jobs, living standards and Scotland’s place in Europe.”