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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Scotland Leads the Way in Tree Planting

New figures have shown that Scotland is leading the way when it comes to tree planting in the UK. In 2022/23, nearly 13,000 hectares of new woodland were created in the UK – with Scotland accounting for 8,200 - more than 63%.

The SNP Government has taken a number of steps to help meet Scotland’s ambitious target of planting 36 million new trees each year - including the introduction of a £150 million fund to support planting targets, tree nurseries and highlight the important role forests play in slowing climate change.

Kenneth Gibson MSP said:

“Scotland’s forests absorb almost 10% of our greenhouse gas emissions and have a vital role in meeting our ambitious climate targets.

“Climate change and nature loss are the greatest global threats we face. We can and must reverse them. Planting more trees, and sustainably managing our forests is one part of the global solution.

“The SNP Government is taking real action to slow climate change – and we will continue to support measures to protect our planet.”


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