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Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

SFHA Welcomes SNP Government Budget Increase in Housing Investment

The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has welcomed the increase on the More Homes Programme as announced in the SNP Government’s Draft Scottish Budget 2018/19.

Sally Thomas, SFHA Chief Executive, said:

“The increase for the More Homes Programme is a very welcome announcement for the social housing sector. This funding and the increase in the planning budget should further assist our members in contributing towards the SNP Government’s 50,000 affordable homes target and help to house more people who are in desperate need of a home of their own.

“The investment will also secure jobs and training opportunities, key challenges identified by our members in our Brexit report earlier this year.

“Access to the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and the Building Scotland Fund will be important for Scotland’s construction industry to secure new, innovative housing.”

“The SFHA looks forward to working with the SNP Government on the creation of Scotland’s new Social Security Agency to create a fairer system for all.”

Kenneth Gibson MSP added:

“I am delighted that this budget delivers a huge increase in housing investment next year, rocketing from £739 million to £891.6 million; a thumping 21% increase!

“We will also continue our support for the Rural and Islands Housing Funds and the Planning budget will grow from £4.1 to £7.6 million to help deliver on the ground.

“In partnership with councils, housing associations and developers, this SNP Government investment in housing will, on average, leverage economic activity of around £1,700 million per year, supporting up to 14,000 full-time equivalent jobs. House builders in Scotland will also have access to the Building Scotland Fund to boost their activities.

"The Draft Budget also includes an additional £4.3 million for social security, which is welcome funding for mitigating welfare reform policies such as the ‘bedroom tax’ which impact on poorer households.”



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