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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

SNP Government allocates £188,248 to NAC from 2020/21 Scottish Crown Estate Revenue

SNP Government Ministers have agreed that coastal communities across North Ayrshire will receive £188,248 of revenue generated by the Scottish Crown Estate’s marine assets over 2020/21.

This brings the total North Ayrshire Council (NAC) has received from the SNP Government from this relatively new fund to £395,263 and this year’s allocation is a huge 58% increase on the £118,852 that was allocated by Scottish Ministers to NAC to distribute last year.

The funding comes from the third year of devolved management of Crown Estate assets and is allocated to the 26 local authority areas which have coastlines, with funding based on their share of the adjacent sea area.

Kenneth Gibson MSP said:

“This year’s funding is again a significant increase on the Scottish Crown Estate Revenue the SNP Government allocated to NAC last year and it will continue to help our coastal areas.

“It is also more than double the funding available under the old Coastal Communities Fund was before it was devolved to the Scottish Government, and I am pleased that more money has been coming to North Ayrshire year on year since.

“Ultimately, it’s up to NAC to decide what projects and coastal communities it uses the funding for.”


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