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Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

The Only Game in Town

On Wednesday 28 February, a motion regarding North Ayrshire’s Schools Public Private Partnership was put to North Ayrshire Council by the SNP Group, moved by Councillor Tony Gurney and seconded by Independent Councillor Ronnie McNicol.

The motion, below, was passed by 18 votes to 11, with only the Labour minority administration and one independent, Councillor Donald L Reid, opposed.

"In light of allegations made in the MacAulay Gibson Productions' film, The Only Game in Town, which relate to the North Ayrshire Schools Public Private Partnership project, Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to Deputy Chief Constable Iain Livingstone of Police Scotland, requesting that the force carries out a new, full and thorough investigation into all aspects of the North Ayrshire PPP procurement process. Council also instructs the Chief Executive to ensure that everything is done to co-operate fully with any investigation."

Bizarrely, 78 year old Labour Councillor Jimmy Miller, elected just last year, said he had never heard of any of it, didn’t know what PPP was and then stormed out of the meeting!

In this documentary:

Campbell Martin reveals potential criminality and an alleged establishment cover-up in the North Ayrshire Private Public Partnership (PPP) schools contract now costing taxpayers over £1m every month. Here is a Scottish Parliament motion Kenneth Gibson MSP submitted in reference to it:

Motion S5M-09808: Kenneth Gibson, Cunninghame North, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 09/01/2018

The Only Game in Town

That the Parliament notes the allegations made in the MacAulay Gibson Productions film, The Only Game in Town, which relate to the North Ayrshire Schools Public Private Partnership project; is concerned that, according to the film, criminality may have gone undetected in North Ayrshire Council's procurement process, and believes that the proper course of action would be for the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Service and Police Scotland to now conduct a fresh and full investigation into the matters raised in the film.

Supported by:

David Torrance, Ash Denham, Richard Lyle, Clare Haughey, Jenny Gilruth, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan

Kenneth Gibson MSP commented:

“I look forward to the outcome of the investigation into these allegations of fraud in connection with a PPP project that displayed the worst aspects of Labour’s ‘build now, pay an extortionate price later’ philosophy under Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

“Thanks to Campbell Martin’s dogged pursuit of this issue, we might finally get to the bottom of how North Ayrshire came to be saddled with a huge PPP debt of £380 million, for a capital spend of £80 million to build four schools, a burden that has to be paid by the people of North Ayrshire over 30 years from 2007 to 2037. This diminishes the funds available for local services by more than £13 million this year alone, peaking at £16.7 million a year for assets the local authority does not even own.”



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