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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Tories add Insult to Injury during Challenge Poverty Week 2021

This week marks Challenge Poverty Week, running from 04 to 10 October, designed to raise awareness of children and young people affected by poverty in Scotland, and to identify solutions to ensure a more equal country.

The SNP Government is on a mission to end child poverty, having invested around £1 billion to directly support children.

The Scottish Child payment is now reaching 108,000 children, whilst Bridging Payments are giving 148,000 children an additional £520 annually.

Challenge Poverty Week has fallen on the very week that the UK Government imposed a cut in Universal Credit payments by £1,020 per year, affecting 37% of families with children in Scotland – 43% in North Ayrshire and Arran.

Kenneth said:

“Challenge Poverty Week is an important initiative to raise awareness of the need to make Scotland a more equal and fairer country.

“I am proud of the ambitious actions being taken by the SNP Government to eradicate child poverty, in very challenging times. The Universal Credit cut implemented by the UK Tory Government on 05 October during Challenge Poverty Week adds insult to injury and has further highlighted the importance of driving for equality in Scotland.

“The SNP Government’s investments in children will help to ease some of the financial impact of the UK Government’s continuous welfare reforms and cuts, ensuring a fairer Scotland for all.”


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