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Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Tories Vote to Undermine Devolution as Continuity Bill Passed

The Tories at Holyrood have voted against legislation to protect Scotland’s devolved powers post-Brexit, after trying to force through a wrecking amendment that would make Holyrood subordinate to Westminster.

The Tories were left isolated in opposition to the Continuity Bill, which seeks to prepare Scotland’s laws for the impact of leaving the European Union if Holyrood refuses to consent to the UK’s Withdrawal Bill.

The Withdrawal Bill is a power grab, which would give Westminster authority over already devolved areas, undermining the principle of devolution.

Commenting, Kenneth Gibson MSP said:

“The Tories opposed the Scottish Parliament in the first place and showed us once again that they are still no friends of devolution. They believe they can do anything they want to Scotland and get away with it.

“By voting against the Continuity Bill, the Tories - and Lib Dem Mike Rumbles who voted with them - showed that they want to take back control not just from Brussels, but from Edinburgh to London.

“Not only that, but their wrecking amendment would have tied the hands of Holyrood, ultimately giving the UK government the final say on a huge range of powers.

“This approach is simply bizarre in the week Ruth Davidson was humiliated by Theresa May’s betrayal over fishing, and her MPs reduced to tossing haddock into the Thames in protest. It has never been clearer that Scotland’s interests are an afterthought to the UK government.

“That’s exactly why we need a strong Scottish parliament, something the Tories have always opposed.”

The Continuity Bill passed by 95 votes to 32.



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