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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Violent Crime in North Ayrshire Falls

Serious assaults in North Ayrshire have declined by a quarter over the last year, from 33 crimes recorded at the end of the second quarter of 2022, compared with 45 in the same quarter of 2021 and a five-year average of 44.4.

Detection rates have also significantly improved and are currently at 81.8% compared to 62.2 % last year, while drug-dealing is down a fifth.

Of course, crime continues to be a serious issue affecting people and communities in North Ayrshire.

Police Scotland continues to proactively deploy to deter assaults from known offenders and prevent escalations. The success of this strategy is reflected in the marked reduction in serious assaults.

These positive figures also reflect the hard work of our police officers’ and their support staff.

Scotland has 31 police officers per 10,000 people compared to only 24 in England and Wales, where crime figures and detection rates are deteriorating.


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Kenneth Gibson SNP

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