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Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Vote SNP for Best Start for Young People

The SNP will be a strong voice at Westminster standing up for Scotland’s young people.

Kenneth Gibson said that while the Tories are removing opportunities and support for young people, the SNP is committed to ensuring they are able to get ahead in life.

While the Tories are cutting support for families and the most vulnerable young people living in our communities, the SNP will make sure they get the help that they need.

And while the Tories seek to limit democratic participation, the SNP will continue to put its trust in our young people to make big decisions which will affect their future.

The SNP is committed to:

  • Investing in education — from early years to college and university level, having already abolished Labour's tuition fees.

  • Protecting free tuition and bursaries for nursing and and midwifery students.

  • Attracting and retaining talented young people to work in our public services.

  • Treating all children equally: removing the two child cap and rape clause for Child Tax Credits.

  • Supporting restoration of housing support for 18 to 21 year olds across the UK.

Commenting, Kenneth said:

“We need strong SNP voices at Westminster standing up for Scotland’s young people.

“Young people are our future and the most valuable resource. It is important we create the best opportunities for them to get ahead in life and to achieve their potential.

“The Tories think they can get away with passing the burden of deeper cuts and further austerity on to families, which can often hit children the hardest. The SNP will never sit idly by but oppose them every step of the way.

“The SNP Government has made education our priority in Scotland, investing in the transformation of early years education and childcare and making sure that university students don’t get lumped with a £27,000 bill just for the opportunity to learn.

“We won’t make women prove they were raped to get the support they're entitled to. We’ll give housing benefit to those who need it, in spite of Tory cuts putting more young people at risk of homelessness.

“On Thursday young people have a huge amount at stake. The SNP will always stand up for them, for their future and for their right to have their voice heard.”



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