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Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Wind Turbines Provide two-third of Scotland's Electricity

Data from WeatherEnergy shows wind turbines contributed 1,331,420 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity to the National Grid in February. Scotland's total electricity consumption for the period was 1,984,765 MWh.

February electricity generation was also up 43% on 929,417 MWh reported in February 2016.

Karen Robinson, of WeatherEnergy, said:

"As we began to witness for the first time last year, this February has seen a few days where the power output from wind farms exceeded the total electricity demand for an entire day.

“This is quite an achievement.

“With the increasing occurrence of '100% wind power days' there can be little doubt that Scotland is well-placed to begin the next step of increasing the role that renewables can play in cutting carbon emissions from its transport and heating sectors.”

Kenneth Gibson added:

“This shows the solid progress made in developing renewable energy. Thanks to a combination of increased capacity and stronger winds, output from turbines increased by enough to provide the equivalent of the electrical needs of almost four million homes.

“As well as helping to power our homes and businesses, wind power supports thousands of jobs and helps Scotland avoid over a million tonnes of polluting carbon emissions every month.

“The SNP Government’s consistency of policy in promoting renewables - unlike in the rest of the UK - has given a solid platform for such progress as Scotland’s energy production becomes greener and cleaner with each passing year.”



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