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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Community Jobs Scotland Creates 330 North Ayrshire Jobs

The Community Jobs Scotland Employability Programme, which is aimed at helping unemployed and vulnerable young people aged 16-24 into paid job training opportunities, has created 330 jobs in North Ayrshire with 38 different employers so far. The programme, which was established in 2011 by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), has helped thousands of young people aged 16-24 into work.

Funding of £6.1 million for Phase 6 of the programme, which is currently underway, was announced by the First Minister on 17 February 2016.

This extension of the already successful initiative will support a further 700 jobs for vulnerable young people through a range of voluntary organisations across all 32 Scottish local authorities. Opportunities include those aimed at the care experienced, young people with criminal convictions, early armed forces service leavers, carers and young people with a disability or long-term health conditions.

The programme contributes to creating a world class vocational education system capable of reducing youth unemployment by 40% by 2021.

Said Cunninghame North MSP Kenneth Gibson after speaking in a Scottish Parliament debate in praise of Community Jobs Scotland:

“Community Jobs Scotland focuses on helping young people who have the greatest difficulty in finding employment and yet its success rate is unmistakable, with 52% of participants being retained by their employer after the end of their initial job, and a further total of 68% positive outcomes into jobs, volunteering or education.

“Through its competitive action and interview process, Community Jobs Scotland lays the groundwork for the sense of belonging and teamwork conducive to young peoples’ successful integration into a real work environment, building confidence and self-esteem.

“In many cases, a permanent job creates a sense of security in the lives of young people that may have previously been absent.”

SCVO Chief Executive Martin Sime added:

“Investing in young people through the voluntary sector works for the young people who go on to find sustainable full-time jobs and we look forward to continued success that future phases of the Community Jobs Scotland employability programme will undoubtedly bring thereby granting a bright professional future to as many hard-to-reach Scottish young people as possible.”

Current vacancies are at: and if something is of interest, prospective applicants can inform their Jobcentre Plus, Skills Development Scotland or Work Choice advisor who checks whether the young person is eligible for their chosen job and, if so, provides a referral, which is essential to apply.



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