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Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

North Ayrshire's Council Tax Frozen Whilst England and Wales Hits Record High

This new financial year 2024/25 the Council Tax has been frozen by the SNP Government for the tenth time in the last 17 years.

In North Ayrshire, Band D Council Tax remains at £1,452 this year.

By contrast, Tory-run England and Labour-run Wales face the highest council tax on record.

In England Band D averages £2,171 - a thumping £719 more than North Ayrshire.

In Wales Band D averages £2,024 - £572 more than North Ayrshire.

Council Tax in England and Wales rose 5.1% and 7.7% respectively this year.

Both the Tories and Labour voted against the fully-funded Council Tax Freeze in this year’s Scottish Budget.

Kenneth Gibson MSP said:

“The SNP’s council tax freeze is helping people in North Ayrshire and across Scotland, while their household budgets are being hammered by Westminster’s cost of living crisis which has seen food, energy, and housing costs rocket.

“In Tory-run England and Labour-run Wales, households face above inflation Council Tax increases.

“The SNP Government also supports 17,080 North Ayrshire households with its Council Tax Reduction Scheme.

“In the teeth of ongoing economic mismanagement from Westminster, the SNP Government will continue to do everything possible to protect household budgets, while ensuring that Scotland's vital public services get the investment they need.

“This is in stark contrast to Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party and the Tories. Neither has a plan to fix the long-term issues Scotland faces.”

For information on North Ayrshire Council Tax Reduction Scheme, please visit:


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