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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Scotland Has "By Far the Lowest Rise" in Destitution

The SNP Government has been praised for its policies to reduce poverty in a new Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) report .

JRF say that Scotland has seen “by far the lowest” rise in destitution across the UK – due to SNP policies to reduce poverty such as the Scottish Child Payment and the Scottish Welfare Fund.

Chris Birt, associate director for JRF in Scotland highlighted the SNP Government's welfare policies, saying:

“The actions of the Scottish Government, in partnership with local government, have slowed the increase (of poverty) in Scotland in a way that we’ve not seen across the UK.”

Nevertheless, Mr Birt was clear that it remains an uphill battle against cruel Westminster welfare policies, stating:

“Both the Scottish Government and local government are pushing a boulder up a hill, while the UK government continue to wither the value of social security in this country."

Read the full report here:

Kenneth Gibson added:

“Given Labour’s abandonment of almost every policy if fought the last UK election on, the SNP remains the party most committed to ending poverty in Scotland.”

“However, we need the full powers of an independent country to deliver a farer, more equal and prosperous Scotland.”


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