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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP


It was great to join with women from Ayrshire WASPI Group and across Scotland protesting outside the Scottish Parliament.

My SNP colleague Clare Haughey MSP invited Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) to the Scottish Parliament and re-iterated the SNP’s wholehearted support for their campaign for justice and full compensation.

WASPI is campaigning against the unfair treatment of women across the UK born in the 1950s.

Successive Labour, Coalition and Tory governments raised the state pension age for women without giving them due notice.

As a result, 355,910 women in Scotland and more than four million across the UK found themselves having to work years longer than anticipated.

Many who could not, or retired from work anticipating their state pension, have endured financial hardship because they were then unable to access the pension they deserved and had previously been promised.

Despite last month’s UK Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman finding that women affecting should be recompensed for this injustice, both the Tories and Labour refuse to guarantee fair compensation.

The SNP, in contrast, demands that women are fully compensated for the money lost.

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Kenneth Gibson SNP



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