At Holyrood I attended an event hosted by Christine Grahame MSP, in association with The Kennel Club and Scottish SPCA, to highlight the unnecessary cruelty of using electric shock collars to ‘train’ dogs.
I also support a ban on such devices.
Electronic collars deliver a shock to a dog’s neck via a remote control, up to a radius of two miles – meaning a dog not within sight of its owner can still receive it – and for up to 11 seconds at a time.
Having received a collar shock to see what it was like, it made me jump. And I was expecting it. How much worse must it be for an unsuspecting animal?
The Kennel Club has long-campaigned for a ban on these devices in Scotland, alongside the Scottish SPCA and Dogs Trust.
Wide-ranging evidence has demonstrated the detrimental effect on dog welfare. Positive reinforcement is much more effective in training dogs.
Shock collars are banned in France and Wales. It’s time Scotland followed suit. Details about The Kennel Club’s campaign to ban electric shock collars are available at: