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  • Writer's pictureKenneth Gibson MSP

Scotland is the only UK Nation delivering Free Personal Care

An estimated 91,810 people in Scotland receive Free Personal and Nursing Care for the whole or part of the year, equivalent to 17 people per 1,000 population. Some 45,845 people receive funding towards a long stay care home place in Scotland. In addition, a further 5,760 people were supported during a short stay in a care home, such as for respite or for reablement. In Scotland 136,900 people have an active community alarm and/or a telecare service and one in 20 people of all ages receive social care support and services at some point during the year. Nearly four out of five (79.4%) people were involved in choosing and controlling their support through self-directed support options (based on circumstances where people have a choice). Kenneth Gibson MSP said: “Scotland remains the only UK nation to deliver Free Personal and Nursing Care to some of the most vulnerable people in Scotland, including people who are under 65 who suffer from dementia. “SNP councillors through their work on health and integration joint boards will continue to help deliver this support. “Vote SNP tomorrow!” #VoteSNP


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